Sunday 28 October 2012


           Wow, so much has been happening in the past few months that I don't even know where to begin. I suppose that if I was a better blogger who kept up with her posts more often that I wouldn't have this problem, but then where would the fun in that be??? Hahaha. Anyway, I am just going to start off with where I am now and go from there. Whether that going is forwards, backwards, or some of both, I just don't know... ;-)
        So, Redemption. What does that word mean to you? What emotions, memories, and or feelings does it bring up in you? For me, I practically (and have in the past) tear up at the beauty of it. :-) Seriously, just take a moment and think about it. Think about what an amazing,  powerful,  gift of grace it is to us. To me, redemption is God taking all of our selfish, screwed up, nasty hopeless messes and turning them into a something so beautiful and powerful that ONLY He could possibly do. And that's NOT EVEN ALL OF IT!! He then uses those beauty from ashes stories in our own lives to inspire others to turn to Him and then have their OWN redemptive stories to tell!! This is powerful stuff, my friends. Powerful, awesome stuff from a powerful, awesome God. :-) Tell me, WHO ELSE could take all of our scars and hurts and turn them into beauty beyond imagining?? THAT IS THE GREATNESS OF OUR GOD. THE GREATNESS OF HIS LOVE FOR US!!! "As we run our hands along these scars, may they tell us who we are, WE ARE THE REDEEMED." - I LOVE love love this line from the song All the Same by 10th Ave North!! Our scars tell us who we are, but it's not that we are wounded messed up people, but that "we are the REDEEMED!!" God has redeemed us not only because of His infinite love for us, but because He has chosen us (US!!!) to go and help Him in his redemptive work that He is doing in the world. Our relationships, our lives, our stories, are that much powerful because of what He has done in our lives!!
      This all makes me think of Edmund and Eustace from the Chronicles of Narnia and how their redemption through Aslan not only affected them, but it dramatically changed the lives of those around them as well. Their stories illustrate the truth of Romans 8:28 in a way that we can understand and relate to. Their stories also show that while the journey to redemption is never easy, it is ALWAYS WORTH IT. :-)

My Best Friend's Wedding ;-)

Disclaimer: This blog post has nothing to do with Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, or trying to unsuccessfully break up a wedding...but it still has pics of people who are all HOT HOT HOT especially the beautiful bride!! (but not because it was 104 degrees outside or anything...) ;-)

So once upon a time there was this girl who met this boy and they both played ultimate frisbee at college together. The boy was entranced by the girl's laugh, asked her out and they fell in love and (6 yrs later) they decide to get married!!! So as one of the lifelong best friends of this girl, I had the honor of being invited to be in the wedding as one of the bridesmaids!!! :-) So here are some pics from their big day! 
My nails that I got done for the wedding! :-)

Bridesmaids' Luncheon :-)
Rehearsal Dinner

Getting our hair done for the BIG DAY! :-)

Reception Area!
Our bouquets! :-)
Getting our makeup done by our fabulous friend Katelyn! :-)

First Dance as Husband & Wife :-)

All the girls!! It's been a few years since middle & high school, but we're still going strong! :-)

Friday 19 October 2012

A Summation of My Life So Far This Year. :-)

"Trust in the Lord and do good." -- Believe Him and obey what He says.
"Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." -- Be on mission where He has called you, not seeking another place/vocation/service/opportunity.
"Delight yourself in the Lord." -- Enjoy Him and rejoice in being His. Love Him for Himself alone!
"And He will give you the desires of your heart." -- A life of obedient, contented delight in Jesus brings heart-satisfying gifts from God.
"If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them."
(Psalm 37:3-4; John 13:17)

I copied this off a friend's status on facebook back awhile ago and I've got it on a post-it note on my desktop background on my computer. I absolutely love it!! It's so encouraging and TRUTH-FILLED. :-) Plus, I don't think that you could sum up everything that God has been doing in my life this year any better than this!! And one of these days, I might actually write a real blog post about all that's been going on. Haha. Ooops. Love y'all!:-)