Wednesday 8 February 2017

Early Morning Sunrise Thoughts

 Just a quick thought from earlier last year-
        So back in August, we were on our annual family beach trip when all of sudden I realized that I had never seen a sunrise on the beach!!! Plenty of sunsets, NEVER a sunrise! Immediately deciding that I needed to change that fact, I set my alarm for 6:22 am and the next morning groggily rolled out of bed to see the sunrise. It turns out watching the sunrise on the beach can be a little addicting, even if you're not a morning person...(I know...I was shocked too!) Thursday was the 3rd day that I had made it out to watch the sunrise, and as I came out that morning, I noticed for the first time how bright the moon in the Western sky was as it was going down. Now it had already occurred to me before that the Sun and the Moon had an interesting relationship to each other, similar to the one thst we as believers have to Christ, but this morning it took on a whole new dimension/meaning!
       The obvious analogy here is that just as the moon reflects the sun's power and can do nothing without it, we can do nothing without Christ. However the thought that came to my mind was the verse in the Bible about how weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Then, as I turned around, I noticed that just as quickly as the sun had come up, the moon had disappeared. Now, of course, the moon was still there (in the sky) but you couldn't see it because the light of the sun was so bright! All this made me think of how in the same way we should be shining brightly for Christ during these dark times just like the moon shines bright in the night sky!
     However, on that day when Jesus does come again it'll be the dawn of a New day, the Glorious Sun of a new age and nobody will be looking at us because they will all be looking at Christ in his glory and falling to their knees in worship of Him. What about you? How has the Lord used the glory and imagery of his creation in nature to speak to you? Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

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