Saturday 2 September 2017

Chapter 4: Learning More of Who I Am in Him

Hello All! I'm currently telling the story of what the Lord has been doing in my life over the past 2 years, and each segment builds upon the previous ones, so if you haven't read the first part yet, I would recommend going back to my original post  and starting there! It'll make way more sense that way! 😊 Oh and thanks for stopping by and reading! To God be the Glory! 

Last time we left off, we were at Quiet Waters in April 2015 and the Lord had just spoken to me about how He wanted me to move up towards the front of the room instead of staying in the back and dancing. As we fast forward six months to the next Quiet Waters in November of 2015, we will see how He continued to keep speaking to me and building upon these same themes that we've seen so far in the past few blog posts. 
        Coming back to Quiet Waters in November after having that conversation with the Lord about me moving up to the front of the room was really neat in several ways. First of all, it was cool to be able to see the progress/growth that happened in my life over the past six months. I was also able to note the ways in which I could experience a new level of freedom in my worship and relationship with Christ. I was no longer moving to the front with great reluctance and trepidation, but rather with a sense of expectancy and joy to be able to see how the Lord was going to meet with me and speak to me in those moments! And WOW, did He ever!!!! I don't remember exactly which session it was that this happened, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't until either late morning or last evening session on Friday, but I DO know exactly what song they were playing and where I was standing! 😉    
          However, before we get there, allow me to share another little bit of back story about myself that isn't commonly known.  For several years previously, every time that I would be worshiping (especially dancing), I would get this picture/vision in my head of this amazingly talented & graceful ballerina as she would dance this beautifully choreographed dance across my mind. She would always equally stun and frustrate me because the dance she was doing was amazing and I always thought, "if only there was way for me to translate this to someone who actually knew how to dance, so that they could bring this masterpiece to life!"  But alas, I have no actual ballet training and never was sure how to explain her to anyone, so she just hung out in my head with me while I danced. 😉
           Going back to Quiet Waters, I was up near the front, doing my normal thing, singing and dancing and the band starts playing the song "Good Good Father". I was already excited because I love that song, but then we get to the middle of it when God broke into my subconsciousness to speak these words over me! He was saying, "Julia, do you hear yourself? Yes, I am a good, good father, but that next line- that's YOU! That is what you need to be able to embrace if you are ever going to be secure in who you are as a person. You've got to know that deep down, NOT only am I a good, good father, but that you are loved by me and that's who YOU ARE!!" Wow. Mind. Blown. And yet, while I'm still trying to wrap my mind around revelation of grace from Him, He continues on, "Oh, and that beautifully graceful dancer in your head that you keep seeing?? That's you. 😘 She is you. That is how I see you when you dance for me. Those steps that she is dancing, those are the ones that I am giving to you for you to dance for me." And with those words resonating and taking up root in me, I began to be able to twirl and dance and sing with a FREEDOM that I never had had before! No longer was the beautiful dancer inside of me, but she was ME! about giving above and beyond anything we could ask or imagine! (Eph 3:20-21) Thank you Lord! I was absolutely just blown away by those 2 revelations and I hope that you are too! Because those words of love that He spoke over me? They are just as true for you too! He speaks them over each one of us as long as we take the time and space to let it happen. 😊YOU ARE LOVED BY HIM and THAT'S WHO YOU ARE...Believe it, Declare it, Receive it, Dwell on it!!! Let it soak into every single one of your pores!!! Your Father in Heaven loves you!! He is FOR you! And He is WITH you! Every single day, every single moment! You are BELOVED. Thank you Jesus!!