Where are you in life right now? Are you currently being a duck or a sponge? Not sure? Just really confused in general? Haha, well then let me explain. Being a duck or a sponge is a picture that the Lord gave me last year to help illustrate a very important point that He wanted to teach me. The explanation is this- in every situation and relationship that we have in our life we are going to be either a duck or sponge. And depending on the situation/relationship each one could be either good or bad. It's all about what we soak in (like a sponge) and what we let roll off our backs. (Like water off a duck's feathers.) There are times that we need to a sponge soaking it all up, absorbing every last drop, and there are times that we just need to let it roll off and move on with our lives! However, I felt the Lord saying,"The problem here is that you tend to be a duck when you should be a sponge and sponge when you should be a duck." WOW. I wanted to stand up and deny it, but as I tried to come up with a defense and I thought through my life, I realized that He was right...How many times had I absorbed up criticism from others or the lies from the enemy instead of just letting it roll off and moving on? Then, when the Lord would send along someone to speak words of affirmation and/or love over me and my life, I would just brush it off or deflect it...Wow, what a moment of breakthrough and revelation that was for me to have that word picture sitting right there in my mind! And so now, whatever situation that I am in, I can immediately go to that picture and think, "Do I need to be a sponge or a duck right now?" It's been awesome in helping me to realize what needs to absorbed and what needs to just be deflected. Now, do I get it right all the time? Heck, no!! And yet, it has still been extremely helpful for me to apply to my life.
How about you? How does visualizing yourself as a duck or a sponge help you process things and work through different situations in your life? Feel free to share below if you'd like!
Finally, Lord help us to remember to ALWAYS be sponges when it comes to You and the many ways that You speak to us! We want to hear from You, for you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Your words bring life and healing to our souls. You are our Good Shepherd! Help us to come to know you more and more each day, to be filled up with You, so that we may be poured/squeezed out for You. It's in Your Son's Name that we pray, Amen.
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