Sunday 10 June 2018

The Clearance Table Bride: Revisited

 Hey y'all! I know that many of you read and really enjoyed my post that I did last year back in February about the Clearance Table Bride. (if you missed it, you can check it out here.) It seemed that it really connected with a lot of you and you truly identified with her, just as I did. Well as it turns out, the Lord had more for me there (and hopefully for each of you as well!) As I went throughout last year and the beginning of this year, whenever I was in the bookstore, I would usually glance over to the clearance table to see if she was still there. Sure enough, every time I looked, there she was. Then one evening, I was driving somewhere just lost in thought when the Lord broke in and said to me, "Go back and buy her." Needless to say, I was a bit thrown and replied, "I'm sorry, what?? You want me to go back to the bookstore and buy the clearance table bride?" He said, "Yes." So I thought, "Ok, that's a little odd, but I guess I can buy her. It's half off, so it's not like it's that much money." But He broke in again and said, "No. I don't think you understand. I  don't want you to buy her at the clearance table price, I want you to buy her at her original full price because that is what she is worth."

           WOW. I just sat there for a minute, somewhat stunned. What a beautiful physical reminder of me and my own journey over the past few years. (For more on that story click here.) Not only was He further reinforcing what He had already spoken over me time and again in regards to my own self-worth but He was also tying it into how I have often felt in regards to the lack of a significant romantic relationship in my own life. I have so dearly desired over the years to be chosen and known as someone's bride, but because that hasn't happened yet, I too sometimes feel like I am stuck on the clearance table of life. I felt like He was saying, "It's not just a reminder of what your worth is in Me, but also a reminder that I know the deepest desires of your heart and I want you to keep believing, hoping, and trusting in Me even when it feels like everything and everyone else has passed you by." So I went back to the store and I bought the dear little bride and brought her home with me. However, I knew once I bought her, it wasn't enough just to bring her home and leave it at that because even though she had been bought at full price, when you picked her up, her label still said "50% OFF. AS IS. NO GROOM."

         Y'all how many times is that our own story??? Jesus went to the cross and paid FULL PRICE FOR US to bring us home to Him, but so often we spend our lives walking around believing the lie/label that was placed on us stating that we too have been marked at 50% off because of something that we said or did, or didn't say or didn't do. But it's time for that to change! We as the Church and the BRIDE of Christ need to learn how to rise up, proclaim our true identity in Him and live each day as people who know that they are fully loved and fully worth the price that was paid for us! And that is why the Lord gave me these three simple words to write on the Clearance Table Bride as her new identity:

Furthermore, a couple months later right before Easter, I received this piece of pottery at Bible study:

Written in Greek, the word "Tetelestai" was a common phrase in 1st century marketplace. Shopkeepers and merchants would write it on a broken piece of pottery for you to take with you when you were leaving town to show that all your debts to them had been paid and that you were free to go. However, we are more likely to recognize it as Jesus's final words from the cross. The word simply means "It is Finished/Paid in Full." So there they sit together on my desk at work, my little bride and my broken piece of pottery- both physical reminders to me of who I am, whose I am and that I am worth absolutely everything that was paid for me!

1) How about you? Is there a symbol or a physical item that the Lord has used powerfully in your life to remind you of truths that He has spoken over you?

2) What are some simple easy things that you could do/place around your home to remind of your worth and identity in Him?

3) Finally, if you need some awesome songs to worship to and meditate on in regards to our identity and who we are in Christ- here are a couple of my current favorites!

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