Friday 18 November 2011

I Am Understood??

Hello, allow me to introduce myself. I am Miss Understood, or at least that is who I feel like I am over here half the time. haha. I always claimed that if I ever moved to another country it would be one where they spoke the same language as me. Well I lied. I have moved to another country and while are able to communicate quite well for the most part, there are times where I am convinced that we are speaking two completely different languages. The interesting part of this is that I have no problem picking up on the British slang, it's the words that are the same but mean two completely different things that I have the most problems with. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate this blog post to talking about several of the differences that I have come upon while living over here, and I will do it in a list form because as we all know, I like lists. :-)
  • If you want to refer to the pair of pants that you are wearing, you must say trousers b/c pants means underwear. (I am always forgetting this one and getting laughed at for it.)
  • A purse is a women's wallet, while a wallet is a man's wallet. 
  • Also what we call a purse, they call a handbag.
  • Gas station is a petrol station or garage, so therefore gas is instead called petrol. Garage also is pronounced completely differently as well.
  • it is pound and pence, not dollar and cent, most people abbreviate pence by just saying 'p'.
  • Instead of saying 20 bucks, you say 20 quid. 
  • 5 pounds is a fiver, and 10 pounds is a tenner.
  • What we call college is referred to as Uni. (short for university, college over here is something completely different.)
  • In school, it is not 3rd grade, but year 3, but actually it would be year 4 because they start counting a year ahead of us in school.
  • Pudding is any type of dessert and they don't have what we know as pudding at all over here. 
  • Cookies are biscuits, and  potato chips are crisps, while what we know as french fries are chips, unless you are ordering from McDonald's and then they are french fries. 
  • Ground beef is called mince, and there are mince pies as well, but mince pies don't actually have any meat in them, instead they have raisins
While there are plenty of others, I believe that that is enough for now, hopefully y'all feel much educated about how to speak like a Brit. haha! I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!

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