Friday 18 November 2011

Frozen Corn Freakout

Wow, what  a crazy past week and a half or so it has been! And it hasn't really been one thing in particular, but really just the combination of everything together. I do believe that the so-called honeymoon period is over! Now don't get me wrong, I am still very much enjoying being here, but there are certain things (cultural differences) that i find are now annoying and frustrating me more than they have for the past two or so months. I have to confess, I had bit of a flip-out last weekend when Maggie and Anne (two of the German girls on the Greenhouse team with me) were over for dinner. I was trying to cook some frozen corn and not only do I find the nutrition facts here practically impossible to read, but the whole British method of cooking is completely different as well!! While we in the U.S. use cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons, over here it's all grams and mL and whatnot, so it's almost like reading a foreign language! Anyway, so I just lost it and started going off on this ethnocentric rant about how the British can't do anything right and they can't cook right, and the Americans are always right and do things better and why can't the rest of the world just do things the right (i.e. American) way??? Anne and Maggie just looked at me like I had absolutely lost my mind! haha. So then on Monday at cluster (our group meeting time), we were talking about our weekends and I mentioned this and I turned to Anne afterwards (hoping to illustrate that I was not only one struggling with ethnocentrism) and said, "Anne, don't you just get frustrated sometimes and wish that everyone would just do things the same way they do in Germany?" Her response? "No. I respect the British pple and their culture and their way of doing things." much for me proving my point about everyone thinking that culture is best. Oh well. It seems the longer that I am here, the more I realize how really cocky and ethnocentric we really are as Americans. I mean for heavens sake we stole the UK's national anthem and put our own words to it to make it into our own patriotic song, among other things!!! (It's My Country Tis of Thee, in case you were wondering.) So anyway, I am obviously feeling conflicting emotions when it comes to be an American in the UK. On one hand, I love where I am from, on the other hand, I can't help but feel completely ashamed of how ridiculous we must seem to the world sometimes. So yeah, if y'all could be just be praying for me that I could continue to be able to adjust to living here and that I would be culturally sensitive to the differences between being an American and being a European and that I would (hopefully) offend as little people as possible with my unintentional cultural blunders in the process. Thanks so much for your prayers and support! :-)

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