Monday 9 April 2012


      You know how when you've been waiting on something for so long that as long as it's still somewhere off in the indefinable distance you are perfectly fine to wait, but as soon as it seems as it might be coming nearer and possibly somewhat attainable you lose all semblance of patience and find yourself wanting to imitate a Nascar driver? Pedal to the medal, baby!! Bring it on! Yet in the midst of me wanting to slam that gas pedal to the floor, God is saying to me, "Hold on there, beloved. I still have things that I want to teach you and show you about yourself in this season...This isn't a free-for-all and you're not on the autobahn, so just slow back down and keep your eyes on me. I've brought you this far, I'm going to abandon you mid-ship. After all, I am faithful and true and I will never leave you or forsake you. Rest in me and I will see you through."
Again, it all comes down to TRUST. So, Jesus, once again, I am choosing to trust in You, in Your plans, in Your faithfulness, in Your love for me. Thank you for your grace, mercy, and never-ending patience. You are worthy God, Thank You. Help me continue to know and love you more each day. In Your Precious Holy Name, Amen.

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