Tuesday 3 April 2012

Where do I even begin??

       Wow! It has been so long and so much has happened since I was last on here, I don't even know if I know where to begin...I guess first of all, I should say that I am back living in the United States and have been since a week after my last blog post. Wow...when I posted that one, I had absolutely no idea what was to come my way in those next few days! What happened was that I was suddenly and unexpectedly faced with the crisis of not having anywhere to live after the middle of January and after crying out desperately out to God asking Him what on earth it was that He was wanting me to do, I heard Him speak more clearly to me than I had ever heard Him speak before. The only problem?? It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear. Actually, to tell the truth, it was really the opposite of the answer that I was looking for. (Funny how that works, isn't it? We cry out, begging to hear from God and yet when He answers, we oftentimes get mad b/c it wasn't the answer that we were wanting to hear/had already scripted for Him to say.) So what was His answer? TWO WORDS. Two little words. "GO BACK." And that was it. No explanation, no room for budging, no anything. Just "go back." So now I was faced with a choice, was I going to obey or was I going to fight it? Well, as much as everything in me wanted to fight it, I knew that I had to obey. After all, living in another country trying to do ministry without God's blessing on me seemed about the dumbest thing to ever to try and attempt. So instead of packing up my Christmas presents and a week's worth of clothes into a suitcase to go home for a quick visit,  I had to make what has had to have been one of the (if not the most) hardest decisions of my life AND I had to try and fit ALL of my clothes and stuff PLUS all my Christmas presents into 50lbs or less of luggage and drag it all home with me. Joy. It was definitely not the way that I was wanting to start the holidays, that is for sure. However, even in the midst of my obedient misery, it was neat to be able to see the progress that I had made, even over the past few months in my walk with God. The fact that I had decided to obey, rather than fighting/arguing about it before I was forced into obeying was a big step forward for me. And I can still say now what I said then: "It was definitely the right decision to make. Insanely hard, but definitely right." God has worked in me and spoken to me so much through the past few months that it has just been absolutely incredible. Incredibly exhausting at times, but still incredible. Super hard at times, but still super good. Do I miss England and all my friends there? Absolutely. However, I know that I am where God has placed me and I am learning to be content in that. :-) God is enough, in fact, He is more than enough, it's just a matter of us continually remembering that fact and resting in His presence. More stories to come! :-)

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